Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fish Scales

While at the beach today I saw a fish scale. First I thought about how it got there. Maybe it was just something you see at the beach and never really pay attention to, then I looked around a bit to find there was much more then just the one.  There were tons in the area I was sitting in, so many in fact that I began to wonder if maybe the fish was killed.  By man or bird or just washed up from the sea.  My mind wandered for a while till I forgot about how the scales wound up there and began rebuilding the fish in a sense.  I began to wonder if what I was doing qualifies as a rebirth.  As I continued to make this fish and its friends, people walked by occasionally and looked down.  I wondered what they were thinking, what is she doing or hmm interesting.
What do you think of my fish activities?  But more importantly, What is rebirth?

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